Tacoma Narrows Bridge collapses on November 7, 1940. (2025)

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Tacoma Narrows Bridge collapses on November 7, 1940.

  • By Priscilla Long
  • Posted 1/13/2003
  • HistoryLink.org Essay 5048
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On November 7, 1940, at about 11 a.m., the Tacoma Narrows Bridge collapses in a high wind. The bridge spanned the Tacoma Narrows, a deep, narrow section of Puget Sound that separates Tacoma from Gig Harbor and the Key Peninsula. The bridge collapses four months and seven days after it is dedicated. It had severely oscillated even as it was being built: Workers on the bridge sucked lemons to combat seasickness and dubbed it "Galloping Gertie." The structure's wave-like motions made it a thrill to drive across -- joyriders increased traffic on the bridge from the beginning -- but no one expected it to collapse. The bridge disaster was a tragedy for Tacoma, which lost the retail trade from Kitsap County and a connection to the Bremerton Navy Yard during the years of World War II. The engineering failure became a textbook case and revolutionized designs and procedures for building suspension bridges.

A Dream Come True

On July 1, 1940, a clear day with blue skies, some 10,000 people turned out for the dedication and opening of the bridge. Washington Governor Clarence Martin extolled the economic and military progress that it would spur. Tacomans saw the bridge as a dream come true -- it would open Tacoma to shoppers previously dependent on Bremerton, and enable access from Pierce County to the Bremerton Navy Yard. The bridge was slender (too slender as it turned out) and beautiful. The 2,800-foot span strung between the towers was the third longest span among the world's suspension bridges. "Everyone marveled," writes historian Murray Morgan, "at the gossamer grace of a structure so long" (South on the Sound).

People enjoyed Galloping Gertie tremendously. They would wait until the wind was "right," drive up to Tacoma Narrows, then wait in line to "ride the bridge." Everyone was sure it was safe. A bank put up a billboard on the Tacoma side, proclaiming itself to be just as safe as the bridge. (The day the bridge collapsed, the bank rushed to remove the billboard.)

A Lighter, Cheaper Bridge

An original design for the Tacoma Narrows Bridge was the work of Washington Department of Highway's leading bridge engineer, Clark Eldridge (1896-1990). ButEldridge'sdesign was compromised when Washington State Highway Director Lacey V. Murrow took hisestimate of $11 million to the federal government (the Public Works Administration), which agreed to loan Washington the money but only for a modified, cheaper bridge designed by Leon Salomon Moisseiff (1872-1943). Moisseiff was a renowned suspension-bridge engineer involved in virtually every suspension-bridge design in the United States during the 1920s and 1930s. He believed that suspension bridges could be built much lighter. Moisseiff modified Eldridge's design in part by removing the truss intended to stiffen the deck;"Galloping Gertie's" deck had no supporting truss and was upheld by steel girders that were a mere eight feet high. Not coincidentally, Moisseiff's design required considerably less steel and cost $4 million less to build. Eldridge remained in charge of construction.

No one thought the bridge would fail, but there were worries about its propensity to gallop. The wave-like motions of the bridge went up and down in the direction of the roadspan, and only during collapse did the bridge begin to move laterally. F. Bert Farquarson, a civil engineering professor at the University of Washington, began making measurements and suggesting design alterations to reduce the movement. He was present at the collapse, and his astonishment was as great as anyone's.

The Collapse

On the day of the collapse -- known as the Pearl Harbor of Bridge Engineering -- Gertie was galloping fast and hard. Leonard Coatsworth, a Tacoma reporter, was driving across the bridge with his dog Tubby in the car. Here is his account of what happened:

"Just as I drove past the towers, the bridge began to sway violently from side to side. Before I realized it, the tilt became so violent that I lost control of the car... I jammed on the brakes and got out, only to be thrown onto my face against the curb. Around me I could hear concrete cracking. I started to get my dog Tubby, but was thrown again before I could reach the car. The car itself began to slide from side to side of the roadway. On hands and knees most of the time, I crawled 500 yards or more to the towers... My breath was coming in gasps; my knees were raw and bleeding, my hands bruised and swollen from gripping the concrete curb... Toward the last, I risked rising to my feet and running a few yards at a time... Safely back at the toll plaza, I saw the bridge in its final collapse and saw my car plunge into the Narrows" (quoted in Tacoma Narrows Bridge Information Center).

Professor Farquarson was there doing his measurements and ran out and tried to save Tubby, but the dog bit him and he gave up the effort. Tubby was the only fatality.

The cause of the failure was solid girders, which took wind and acted like sails (girders with perforations would have let the wind pass through). Also, the bridge was not stiff enough or heavy enough to withstand the wind of the Tacoma Narrows.

The collapseterminated Moisseiff's career and he died less than three years later. Clark Eldridge, who accepted some of the blame, took work with a San Francisco contractor working for the U.S. Navy on Guam. At the outbreak of World War II, he was taken captive by Japan and became a prisoner of war for three and a half years. After the war Eldridge returned to Washington state and resumed work as a consulting engineer and contractor. The collapse reverberated as a personal tragedy in the lives of both men.

The second Tacoma Narrows Bridge, incorporating all lessons learned, was built in 1950.


Murray and Rosa Morgan, South on the Sound: An Illustrated History of Tacoma and Pierce County (Woodland Hills, CA: Windsor Publications, Inc., 1984), 116-119; "A Tale of Two Gerties," Gig Harbor Peninsula Historical Society and Museum (http://www.gigharbormuseum.org); Tacoma Narrows Bridge Information Center (http://www.firebirdz.net/tnb); "History of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge," Online Exhibits, University of Washington Libraries, Manuscripts, Special Collections, University Archives (http://www.lib.washington.edu/specialcoll); Bob Carson, Masters of Suspension, Second Edition (Tacoma: News-Tribune, 2007); Craig Holstine and Richard Hobbs, Spanning Washington: Historic Highway Bridges of the Evergreen State (Pullman: WSU Press, 2005); "People of the 1940 Narrows Bridge," Tacoma Narrows Bridge, Washington Department of Transportation website accessed November 15, 2008 (http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/tnbhistory/People/people1.htm#3). See also Richard S. Hobbs and Gerry Coatsworth Holcomb, “Life and Death at the Tacoma Narrows,” Columbia: The Magazine of Northwest History, Vol. 21, No. 2 (Summer 2007), 3-8.
Note: This essay was expandedon November 15, 2008, and corrected on November 12, 2014.

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Tacoma Narrows Bridge collapses on November 7, 1940. (1)
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Tacoma Narrows Bridge collapses on November 7, 1940. (2025)


What caused the collapse of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge in 1940? ›

Farquharson continued wind tunnel tests. He concluded that the "cumulative effected of undampened rhythmic forces" had produced "intense resonant oscillation." In other words, the bridge's lightness, combined with an accumulation of wind pressure on the 8-foot solid plate girder and deck, caused the bridge to fail.

How many people died when the Tacoma Narrows Bridge collapsed? ›

There were no human deaths in the collapse of the bridge. The only fatality was a Cocker Spaniel named Tubby, who perished after he was abandoned in a car on the bridge by his owner, Leonard Coatsworth.

Did the dog survive the Tacoma Narrows Bridge collapse? ›

"Tubby" the dog fell into fame when Galloping Gertie collapsed on November 7, 1940. As the only victim of that great disaster, Tubby has earned a special place in the hearts of many. His death symbolizes the drama of that terrible day. All that is known about the unfortunate pooch is here.

Who is to blame for the Tacoma Narrows Bridge collapse? ›

Three key points stood out: (1) The principal cause of the Narrows Bridge's failure was its "flexibility;" (2) the solid plate girder and deck acted like an airfoil, creating "drag" and "lift;" and (3) aerodynamic forces were little understood and engineers needed to test all suspension bridge designs thoroughly using ...

How deep is the water under the Narrows Bridge? ›

The water is over 200 feet deep. Swift, treacherous tides moving at over 8.5 miles per hour (12.5 feet per second) sweep through the channel four times a day.

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The solution would be to use deep, open stiffening trusses with trussed floor beams. The truss members would be shallow, to avoid creating any large, solid surfaces like the ones associated with the failure of the 1940 Narrows Bridge.

Do container ships go under the Tacoma Narrows Bridge? ›

However, smaller cargo ships do travel under bridges on the Columbia River and even the Tacoma Narrows Bridge to access the Port of Olympia. Washington has had bridges collapse in its recent history; even if dissimilar in cause to the Baltimore collapse.

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Was Baltimore's bridge collapse the fault of the cargo ship or the bridge? Both, experts say—and there's no quick fix on the horizon. Both U.S. infrastructure and the cargo industry share the blame for the Baltimore bridge tragedy, experts say.

Is the Tacoma Narrows Bridge still standing? ›

Efforts to replace the bridge were delayed by World War II, but in 1950, a new Tacoma Narrows Bridge opened in the same location, using the original bridge's tower pedestals and cable anchorages. The portion of the bridge that fell into the water now serves as an artificial reef.

Why can't you change lanes on the Tacoma Narrows Bridge? ›

That sign is there for a reason. If you've driven over the bridge, you know the lanes are grated, making for a white-knuckle drive in the wind or rain. The grates mean the roadway has a slicker surface, which makes changing lanes potentially very dicey.

What was the wind speed at the Tacoma Narrows Bridge collapse? ›

At 7:30 a.m. the wind measured 38 miles per hour. Two hours later, engineers clocked the wind at 42 miles per hour near the bridge's east end. But, near the west end, fishermen reported the wind speed was "substantially" higher than that.

Who filmed the Tacoma Narrows Bridge collapse? ›

Several hours of the Miles footage are in the WSDOT records at the Washington State Archives. Professor F. B. Farquharson shot some of the most widely viewed film.

What was the flaw in the Tacoma Narrows Bridge? ›

The Tacoma Narrows Bridge collapsed primarily due to the aeroelastic flutter. In ordinary bridge design, the wind is allowed to pass through the structure by incorporating trusses. In contrast, in the case of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge, it was forced to move above and below the structure, leading to flow separation.

Who jumped off Tacoma Narrows Bridge? ›

Bremerton police believed a rape suspect died 15 years ago after he allegedly jumped off the Tacoma Narrows Bridge. That same suspect was found dead in California last month. In a March 14 news release, BPD said they arrested Christian Robert Basham in 2008 and prosecutors charged him “with second-degree child rape.”

How long did the Tacoma Narrows Bridge last before it collapsed? ›

Slender, elegant and graceful, the Tacoma Narrows Bridge stretched like a steel ribbon across Puget Sound in 1940. The third longest suspension span in the world opened on July 1st. Only four months later, the great span's short life ended in disaster.

What caused the collapse of the Second Narrows Bridge? ›

After an extensive investigation, it was discovered that a temporary bent, designed by an inexperienced engineer and inadequately checked by a senior engineer failed, which lead to the collapse of two spans. Unfortunately, those gentlemen were on the bridge when it failed and both were killed.

What caused the Tacoma Narrows Bridge collapse quizlet? ›

Why Did the Tacoma Narrows Bridge Collapse in 1940? It collapsed because the wind created a standing wave that got higher and higher on the bridge. The key ingredient to a standing wave is resonance, when the driving frequency (of the wind) matches the natural frequency (of the bridge).

What kind of motion was the destructive factor in the collapse of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge? ›

The dramatic ending

The Tacoma Narrows Bridge came down on Nov. 7, 1940, just over four months after opening to traffic. The official cause cited for the collapse was aeroelastic flutter. The only life lost was the dog in Barney Elliott's video, who drowned inside his owner's car after it tumbled into Puget Sound.

What happened on November 7, 1940? ›

When the Tacoma Narrows Bridge over Puget Sound in the state of Washington famously collapsed on November 7, 1940, it was captured on film for posterity.

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