Visitors — Hayes Barton Baptist Church (2024)



These two simple words are a perfect summary of the Christian life. We are called to follow Jesus. This is our vision at Hayes Barton Baptist Church. We want to go where Jesus wants us to go, and we want to do what he wants us to do. And we want to help others do the same.

Why? Because following Jesus will change your life.

We would love for you to join us on this exciting journey. We’re not there yet, but that’s okay. After all, we are following Jesus, and Jesus knows the way.

–Dr. David J. Hailey, Pastor, Hayes Barton Baptist Church


Everyone here at hayes barton baptist church welcomes you!

At Hayes Barton Baptist Church, you will find a welcoming community filled with real people just like you. Our diverse membership is united by a passion for worship and a yearning for a deeper relationship with God. We want everyone to experience the joy and peace of God’s love as well as the special fellowship created by gatherings of devoted believers, so we invite you to join in whatever capacity you choose.

Visitors — Hayes Barton Baptist Church (13)

Who We Are

HBBC is a caring, dynamic, and growing community of faith located in the historic Five Points area of Raleigh, NC, just north of downtown seeking to transform lives through Christ.

About Us

What We Believe

We believe that the worship of God is central to our lives as believers, and our congregation proclaims the Gospel of Jesus Christ in all of our worship services. As an inclusive faith community, we welcome and encourage active participation from people of all walks of life, wherever they happen to be on their faith journey.

Our Beliefs

Visitors — Hayes Barton Baptist Church (14)

Visitors — Hayes Barton Baptist Church (15)

Please Join Us

We hope you will join us in worship by attending a Sunday Worship service, a Wednesday Family Night service, online, or live through our broadcast ministry. You can find it on local television at 11:00 a.m. Sundays on CW22 or through our live stream.


What to Expect

Above all, no matter who you are or in which of our programs you participate, expect to be accepted warmly, included equally, and challenged to worship God, grow your faith, and give freely of yourself. As a moderate Baptist church, Hayes Barton welcomes all visitors equally and encourages any level of participation with which you are comfortable.

We believe that the worship of God is central to our faith as Christians: it is to our spirits what oxygen is to our lungs. Without it, our faith would die. This belief leads us to worship with passion and joy in all of our services, fellowship, ministries, missions, and any time we are gathered together.




Visitors — Hayes Barton Baptist Church (16)

Visitors — Hayes Barton Baptist Church (17)


At HBBC, our worship style tends toward the traditional, striving to remain authentic, genuine, and timeless while staying relevant to the 21st Century. We believe that the Gospel of Jesus Christ should be proclaimed in all of our worship services, and we typically read from the New Revised Standard version of the Bible.

Some members of our congregation tend to dress more formally for our Sunday morning service, while others dress a bit more casually. We accept everyone in our community as they are, so please do not feel discouraged from visiting our church based on attire.

Our worship music includes traditional hymns accompanied most often by organ, piano, and our Chancel Choir. Occasionally, our music is supplemented by other church choirs — preschool, children’s, youth, handbells — soloists, instrumentalists, and ensembles. We also incorporate other spiritual music styles and contemporary praise music styles to complement the service in the most engaging and effective way possible.

Worship Services

Children and Worship

At HBBC, we believe that worship is central to all of our lives as believers, so we encourage children to attend worship services with their parents to see their family members worshiping together. We strive to make each worship service as child friendly as possible, and we almost always include a Children’s Sermon as part of our normal Sunday Worship services.

The goal of these Children’s Sermons is to help our children feel welcome while relaying biblical truths in age-appropriate terms. Children’s Sermons most often take place after the first congregational hymn each Sunday. Children are invited to gather at the front of the sanctuary during the last stanza of the hymn for a short sermon from the minister and a brief prayer. Following this, children return to their seats, head to Children’s Church, or return to extended session.

Children's Ministry

Visitors — Hayes Barton Baptist Church (18)

Parking Map


Street Map

Campus Map

Visitors — Hayes Barton Baptist Church (2024)


Can you just walk into a Baptist church? ›

A non-Baptist can attend a Baptist service. The whole purpose of the Church is to reach out to the lost. The true Church of Jesus Christ is open to all. A visitor should be warmly welcomed (not an on the surface welcome).

How old is Hayes Barton Baptist Church? ›

Founded in 1926, we are a Baptist church in the moderate tradition, proclaiming the Lordship of Jesus Christ and honoring historic Baptist principles.

Who is Minister of Hayes Barton Baptist Church? ›

David J. Hailey. David Hailey has been pastor of Hayes Barton Baptist Church since 1996. A native Midwesterner (Chillicothe, IL), Dave traveled a circuitous route to Raleigh, North Carolina.

What channel does Hayes Barton Baptist Church come on? ›

You can find our 11:00 AM Sunday Worship services live on CW22.

What is the etiquette for Baptist churches? ›

Don't walk, tip-toe, or move about during prayer, communion, baptism, scripture-reading, or baby dedication. Don't stare or interfere with someone who is out outwardly moved by the Holy Spirit. Don't partake of the communion elements except in an attitude of reverence.

Can you go to a baptist church without being baptized? ›

What are the basic requirements for someone to join a Baptist church? Many—most—Baptists suggest that, at a minimum, someone must have a credible profession of faith and have been baptized by immersion following their conversion.

Who is the daughter of pastor Mike Hayes? ›

Founding Pastor of Covenant Church, he and Kathy built a community where over 100 nations found representation and community-and which is now under the leadership of their daughter Amie Dockery.

Who was the pastor of the first Baptist church in America? ›

Founded by Roger Williams in 1638, it would be more than 130 years before the First Baptist Church in America found its permanent home at the base of College Hill (1775). Soon after the college moved from Warren to Providence, President James Manning was called to be the pastor of the First Baptist Church.

Who founded America's First Baptist Church? ›

The first Baptist church in North America was established by Roger Williams in what today is Providence, Rhode Island; soon thereafter, John Clarke founded a Baptist church in Newport, R.I.

What is the Conservative Baptist denomination? ›

One of the most prominent branches is the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), which stands as the largest Baptist denomination in the United States. Known for its conservative theological stance, the SBC upholds traditional beliefs such as biblical inerrancy and complementarian views on gender roles.

Who is the current Southern Baptist president? ›

What is a Baptist minister? ›

As spiritual leaders, Baptist ministers are entrusted with the task of delivering sermons, teaching biblical principles, and facilitating theological discussions. They play a pivotal role in shaping the spiritual identity of the congregation, offering guidance on matters of faith, morality, and personal growth.

Where does Pastor Craig preach? ›

Pastor Craig often preaches live at Life. Church Edmond on Saturdays at 4:00pm or during the week at a Live Event. When he isn't preaching live, video teaching is available.

What channel is Florence Baptist Temple? ›

Sunday at 11AM on WMBF.

What channel is First Baptist Jackson MS? ›

Join us Sunday mornings at 8:00 a.m. on Fox40 WDBD or you can tune in at 10:30 a.m. on My35 WLOO — two options to better fit your schedule and your lifestyle. So set your DVRs for our services, or watch us live online at and on Facebook (@fbjacksonms).

What are the three ways to join a Baptist church? ›

At FBCG, we receive members three ways – by profession of faith, by transfer of membership (letter), and by statement of faith. Profession of faith: this is when a person by faith receives Christ as Savior and follows this with scriptural baptism as a public profession.

Can I go to church as a non believer? ›

Church is a place where Christians meet. But it is not a private gathering. On the contrary, since we Christians desire for the whole world to know God, we are happy to invite non-believers as well to show them what it is like to be a Christian. Church is a good place to discover more about the Christian faith.

What are the rules of a Baptist? ›

Baptists are united by a belief in full-body immersion baptism, baptism of professed believers only (rather than infant baptism), the autonomy of local churches, the Bible as the ultimate religious authority, and the priesthood of all believers.

Is Baptist a strict religion? ›

Baptist beliefs are seen as belonging to three parties: General Baptists who uphold Arminian soteriology, Particular Baptists who uphold Calvinist soteriology, and Independent Baptists, who might embrace a strict version of either Arminianism or Calvinism, but are most notable for their fundamentalist positions on ...

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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Author information

Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.