What are the best tools for generating and managing character arcs and plot points? (2025)

Last updated on Dec 21, 2023

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Character Arc Generator

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Plot Point Generator

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Screenwriting Software

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Story Mapping Tool

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Feedback Tool

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Inspiration Tool

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Creating compelling characters and engaging plots is one of the most challenging aspects of screenwriting. You need to craft realistic and consistent arcs for your protagonists and antagonists, as well as structure your story around key events and twists. Fortunately, there are some tools that can help you generate and manage character arcs and plot points, whether you are writing a feature film, a short film, or a series. In this article, we will explore some of the best tools for this purpose and how to use them effectively.

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What are the best tools for generating and managing character arcs and plot points? (1)

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What are the best tools for generating and managing character arcs and plot points? (2) What are the best tools for generating and managing character arcs and plot points? (3) What are the best tools for generating and managing character arcs and plot points? (4)

1 Character Arc Generator

A character arc generator is a tool that helps you create a basic outline of your character's journey, from their initial state to their final transformation. It can help you define your character's goals, motivations, conflicts, flaws, strengths, and changes. Some examples of character arc generators are The Character Arc Generator by Reedsy, The Character Arc Worksheet by K.M. Weiland, and The Character Evolution Files by Jami Gold. These tools can help you generate ideas, prompts, and questions to flesh out your character's arc and make it more dynamic and believable.

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2 Plot Point Generator

A plot point generator is a tool that helps you create a basic outline of your story's structure, from the inciting incident to the resolution. It can help you define your story's genre, premise, stakes, twists, and climaxes. Some examples of plot point generators are The Plot Generator by Reedsy, The Plot Scenario Generator by Chaotic Shiny, and The Plot Embryo by Rachael Stephen. These tools can help you generate scenarios, events, and complications to build your story's plot and make it more engaging and surprising.

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3 Screenwriting Software

Screenwriting software is a tool that helps you format, edit, and export your screenplay according to the industry standards. It can help you organize your scenes, characters, and dialogue, as well as track your progress and feedback. Some examples of screenwriting software are Final Draft, Celtx, and WriterDuet. These tools can help you manage your character arcs and plot points, as well as collaborate with other writers, producers, and directors.

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4 Story Mapping Tool

A story mapping tool is a tool that helps you visualize and analyze your story's structure, themes, and emotions. It can help you identify your story's beats, arcs, and subplots, as well as compare and contrast your characters and their journeys. Some examples of story mapping tools are The Story Map by Save the Cat!, The Story Grid by Shawn Coyne, and The Story Compass by Michael Hauge. These tools can help you refine your character arcs and plot points, as well as enhance your story's coherence and impact.

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5 Feedback Tool

A feedback tool is a tool that helps you get constructive and objective feedback on your screenplay from other writers, readers, or experts. It can help you improve your character arcs and plot points, as well as address any issues or gaps in your story. Some examples of feedback tools are The Black List, Script Reader Pro, and Coverfly. These tools can help you submit your screenplay for evaluation, rating, or review, as well as connect with potential agents, managers, or producers.

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6 Inspiration Tool

An inspiration tool is a tool that helps you find and generate new ideas, themes, and concepts for your screenplay. It can help you overcome writer's block, spark your creativity, and expand your horizons. Some examples of inspiration tools are The Idea Generator by Reedsy, The Random Logline Generator by Film Crux, and The Story Idea Machine by John August. These tools can help you generate random or customized prompts, loglines, or summaries for your character arcs and plot points, as well as explore different genres, styles, and formats.

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7 Here’s what else to consider

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Film Industry What are the best tools for generating and managing character arcs and plot points? (5)

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What are the best tools for generating and managing character arcs and plot points? (2025)


What are the best tools for generating and managing character arcs and plot points? ›

Some examples of screenwriting software are Final Draft, Celtx, and WriterDuet. These tools can help you manage your character arcs and plot points, as well as collaborate with other writers, producers, and directors.

How to keep track of character arcs? ›

Final Draft's Beat Board is a great first step to tracking a character arc. You can create and move around different beats within the Beat Board—similar to sticky notes or index cards—and you can likewise select colors for beats, helping you to connect subplots or, in this case, a specific character arc.

How do you analyze character arcs? ›

A common way to map a character arc is to use the three-act structure, which divides the play into three parts: the setup, the confrontation, and the resolution. In each act, you can mark the key moments that affect the character's arc, such as the inciting incident, the turning points, the climax, and the resolution.

How to figure out a character arc? ›

Crafting Character Arcs

A character's arc or development involves their proactive pursuit of their story goal which is established when their life is changed by the inciting incident at the start. This helps create a lead readers will identify with and cheer for, but also makes a compelling plot.

How do writers keep track of characters? ›

No “right” way exists to keep track of characters. Most writers keep a master list and then a packet of detailed information about each character. You can go a low-tech route or high-tech route. Some use a notebook with tabs and index cards.

What are the 5 plot arcs? ›

Scripting Your Career's Narrative: A 5-Point Story Arc Approach
  • Exposition: Setting the Scene. ...
  • Rising Action: Embrace Challenges. ...
  • Climax: Facing the Defining Moments. ...
  • Falling Action: Winding Down. ...
  • Resolution: The Final Chapter. ...
  • In the grand narrative of your career, you hold the pen.
Oct 1, 2023

What are the 4 types of character development? ›

Dynamic character: A character who goes through some sort of change. Static character: A character who does not change throughout the course of the story. Round character: A character who is a fully-developed figure. Flat character: A character who does not develop or change throughout the story.

What are the four character arcs? ›

The Positive Change Arc provides hope and inspiration, the Negative Change Arc reveals the consequences of negative behaviour, the Flat Arc showcases the power of steadfast beliefs, and the Anti-Arc defies traditional storytelling norms, often creating complex, unconventional characters.

What is the difference between character arc and story arc? ›

A crucial distinction exists between the story arc and the character arc. The story arc guides the sequence of events and plot progression, while the character arc captures the growth and transformation of a character throughout the story.

What is an example of a character arc? ›

Character arc simply refers to the change that happens to a character over the course of a story, whether it's an internal change or an external change. A grumpy curmudgeon becomes a ray of sunshine. A naïve teen grows up. Someone with a strong moral compass is tested until they ultimately choose villainy.

How to structure an arc? ›

A traditional narrative arc has five elements, in the following order:
  1. Exposition. This is the reader's introduction to the story. ...
  2. Rising action. This is when conflict begins to ramp up. ...
  3. Climax. ...
  4. Falling action. ...
  5. Resolution.
Sep 8, 2021

What is the main character arc? ›

A character arc is the transformation or inner journey of a character over the course of a story. If a story has a character arc, the character begins as one sort of person and gradually transforms into a different sort of person in response to changing developments in the story.

How do you calculate arcs? ›

Arc length = (θ/360) of 2πr = (θ/360) × 2πr = rθ × π/180. This formula represents the arc length when the angle is measured in degrees. The length of an arc can be determined using different formulas, depending on the unit used to measure the central angle.

What is the character arc model? ›

The Character Arc is a model for capturing that internal journey so it can better inform the plot and execution of your broader story. As you're writing, you can use multiple templates to help you build well-rounded characters and capture all the intricacies of their personalities.

What are the stages of the character arc? ›

The three phases of a character arc – Beginning, Middle, and End – are stepping stones in your character's journey, guiding their transformation and growth. By understanding these phases, you can create rich, compelling narratives that will captivate your readers.

How do you track character development? ›

At a minimum, jot down these five things about a character:
  1. Character's state at the beginning (the lie they believe)
  2. Character's state at the end (the truth they discover)
  3. Event(s) that show the beginning state (living the lie)
  4. Event(s) that drive the change (discovery of the truth)
Mar 18, 2019

How do you organize a story arc? ›

A traditional narrative arc has five elements, in the following order:
  1. Exposition. This is the reader's introduction to the story. ...
  2. Rising action. This is when conflict begins to ramp up. ...
  3. Climax. ...
  4. Falling action. ...
  5. Resolution.
Sep 8, 2021

Can you have multiple character arcs? ›

Arcs can be collective, and the same character can be part of multiple arcs. Try to bring the resolution of two or more arcs together in a single scene.

What is the character arc progression? ›

A character arc is the transformation or inner journey of a character over the course of a story. If a story has a character arc, the character begins as one sort of person and gradually transforms into a different sort of person in response to changing developments in the story.

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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.